1. Is Dr. Amy the only NET practitioner in St. Louis?

    Dr. Amy is the only female certified NET practitioner currently accepting new patients in St. Louis.

  2. What does "Gentle" really mean? Will I hear a "pop and crack"?

    By using CPK/Chiropractic Plus Kinesiology we are able to diagnose, monitor the body throughout the healing process, and speed the healing time for the patient without the typical “pop and crack”. Because kinesiology is diagnostic, we are often able to identify problems before symptoms are felt or seen.

    We will address the soft tissue (muscles, ligaments and tendons) surrounding the joint space and then use an Activator tool, a low-force adjusting technique, to align the bone so that the joint will be more apt to stay in place and remain corrected.

  3. Does Gentle Chiropractic accept insurance or medicare?

    No. We will gladly give you a medical receipt/superbill to turn into your insurance for out of network coverage.

  4. What are your hours?

    Our hours are M,W: 9 am - 6:30 pm, T,TH: 11 am - 6 pm, and F: 9 am - 2 pm. Please call 314-537-1461 for a last minute appointment. Click "Schedule Now"below to view available appointments.

  5. Why should I take Standard Process and Mediherb supplements over supplements I can find at my local drugstore?

    Standard Process has been providing whole food supplements for 90 years. Many supplements you find in your local drugstore contain synthetic vitamins that your body cannot absorb or utilize. Standard Process grows their ingredients at their Wisconsin farm. More than 80% of their supplements are made with raw plant ingredients.

  6. What is Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)?

    Neuro Emotional Technique uses functional muscle testing to identify stuck stress response patterns and helps you release them. NET is a safe, effective and natural way to resolve long-standing health problems that have a mind-body stress component.

  7. What is Ulan Nutrition Response Testing (NRT)?

    NRT/Ulan Nutrition Response Testing is a precise and scientific non-invasive system of analyzing the body in order to get to the bottom-line of a patients’ nutritional needs.

    NRT uses functional muscle testing to create a nutrition program unique to your body.

  8. What is Chiropractic Plus Kinesiology (CPK)?

    CPK/Chiropractic Plus Kinesiology is a chiropractic tool that incorporates proven healing techniques that combine:  kinesiology, biofeedback, oriental medicine, relaxation and nutrition to speed up the healing time of the patient. 

  9. What happens at a new patient's first visit?

    Your initial visit will take 1 hour.

    It will include:

    -History and Physical examination 

    -Neurological and orthopedic examinations

    -Evaluation of your posture, muscle function, and joint function

    -Assessment of stress patterns

    Note: Your initial visit will not include any services, such as adjustments or NET.

     If you would like to book services alongside your consultation, click the "Schedule Now" link below. From the services tab, scroll to the very bottom, and under the Other section you will select: "NEW Patient (1st visit) EXAM" and "ADJUSTMENT / NET".

  10. What health conditions do you treat?

    Dr. Amy Richard has had the good fortune to successfully help many conditions since she specializes in the evaluation and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions.  Her goal is to quickly restore normal pain free function. The following is a partial list of conditions that she commonly treats:

    * Low back, mid-back and neck pain

    * Neck and shoulder pain and tightness

    * Headaches and Migraines

    * Disc injuries

    * Pinched nerves

    * Stress 

    * Repetitive strain/overuse injuries

    * Sports Injuries

    * Muscle spasms

    * Plantar Fasciitis (Foot pain)

    * Shin Splints

    * TMJ problems

    * IBS

    * Constipation

    * Sciatica

    * Fatigue

    * Weight issues

    * Chronic ankle, knee, elbow and wrist problems

    * Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    * And much more. Please call for specific questions.

Online Scheduling
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